Inspired by my first yoga practice in 1999
My body was thee
When yoga found me
My world lit up on fire
In the hot wind
Wild hair radiating like the sun
My trunk swayed and bent
My world returned to my root for moment
In Vriksasana, my foot sent shoots deep down
To the ground to connect with your strength
Solid as my bone
Sent chills down my spine
Your heart shapes leave caught my eyes
Shimmering rustling in the harsh sun
You make me smile once again
Grandiosely standing alone
Powerful, resilient through flooding and drought
Safely providing shade, protection and direction.
To passersby in the midst of ever stretching rice field.
A place for the spirits, dead or alive
Gather, reside and seeking sanctuary
I have met you
You have found me
Onward with our journey
January 29, 2019